Al-Manaseh Health Center... From a closed center to a health center working around the clock.
Sunday, 03 November, 2019
After the cholera outbreak in Wald Rabi district of Al Bayda Governorate, the local health authorities called for an emergency help to the MoPHP and NGOs to contribute in reducing cholera/AWD incidence and case fatality and to stop spreading of this deadly infection.
Due to NFDHR previous experiences in implementation of Cholera projects, since the first cholera case in Al Bayda Governorate, the health cluster nominated NFDHR to intervene in Wald Rabi and implement (Cholera Emergency Response in Wald Rabi district of Al Bayda Governorate) project, with fund from Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).
The intervention of the National Foundation and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR) this time has a significant impact, due to the sensitivity of the targeted area, where Al-Manasah is a conflict area, and it is controlled by more than one party. This bad security situation led to the deprivation of the population in this area of all health services due to the fear of all local and international organizations from intervening there.
One of the activities of the project is the rehabilitation of Al-Manasheh health center, where it was in a very bad situation, since it was bombed previously. Diarrhea treatment center was established, and provided with a trained health staff to ensure the quality of the provided health services. The center was also supported by medical equipment, solar energy system, medicines and operating expenses.
Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 3during transferring clean water by bottles